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Open policy in a sentence

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Sentence count:21Posted:2021-10-01Updated:2021-10-01
Similar words: open door policyopen-door policyforeign policyretention policypopulation policyopen portopen positionpublic policy
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1. The reform and open policy has brought us Chinese people a rich and colourful life.
2. Both presupposed open policies in secondary education and the active pursuit of talents.
3. Opinion poll-led policy-making has proven a disaster, yet open policy discussion and theoretical debate remains near non-existent.
4. Pursuing an open policy domestically means carrying out reform.
5. Deng Xiaoping's open policy has accelerated China's economic growth.
6. Before the reform and open policy the partial infectious diseases, endemic disease which controls was started to resurge, the new health, the healthy question also unceasingly appear.
7. I see. To take out open policy, I suppose we phone our insurance broker.
8. Since the reform and open policy, our country economy rapidly expand, "the buyers' market"has been very early take the consumer before the main body already formed.
9. With the open policy of retail trade, it has become the most animate industry which develops the fastest in China which turns into the weatherglass of Chinese economic development.
10. Since the reform open policy, our country market - economy has consummated day by day.
11. After fourth part of induction reform and open policy, the conjugal family values' change characteristic and will carry on the forecast to future conjugal family view.
12. I see. To take out an open policy, I suppose we phone our insurance broker.
13. We introduced reform and the open policy first in the economic sphere, beginning with the countryside.
14. The reform and open policy sends Guangdong first, simultaneously is also city and countryside income differential big province.
15. To take out an open policy, I suppose we phone our insurance broker.
16. Since adoption of reform and open policy, our economy has gained wonderful development, but in the meantime, many stubborn new problems are brought about, which cumber further reform.
16. Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!
17. Stock-taking of the open policy will come later this year when the National People's Congress discusses the seventh five-year plan, which will run to the end of the decade.
18. Continues to advance the reform and open policy, eradicates does not favor the scientific progress the system machine-made barrier, impels the trade and the investment liberalization convenience.
19. It is reported that 1978 reform and open policy started China's abroad study flood tide.
20. The practice proved incontrovertibly , only then the reform and open policy can realize the rich country and the strengthening of the armed forces benign interaction.
21. It is necessary for every country to strengthen economic cooperation and open policy in order to meet the economic globalism. But in fact, the reliance is unsymmetry and unequal to every country.
More similar words: open door policyopen-door policyforeign policyretention policypopulation policyopen portopen positionpublic policypolicytax policylife policywage policytrade policypolicy-holderpolicy holderpolicyholderprice policycompany policypolicy makerfiscal policypolicy makingcredit policysocial policypolicy-makingpolicy changepolicymakingdefence policymonetary policydefense policygeneral policy
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